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Ellesmere College

Weekly Boarding

Many boarding schools today offer a number of boarding options, but one option in particular is becoming increasingly popular with a large number of parents – weekly boarding - a helpful and viable alternative to, and a bridge between, the world of a day pupil and that of a full-boarder.

Ellesmere College is closer than you think, but if distance away from the school is a determining factor in the choice of a school, the option to weekly board offers parents a broader choice for their child as they can board during the week, and return home at the weekends, or part way through the week as desired.

See table below for distance in miles/time and the nearest Ellesmere College Bus Stop

We are always flexible based on the needs of each child – be it weekly for geographical reasons, or ad-hoc here and there for academic or co-curricular commitments after school. If a child weekly boards and usually goes home at the weekend but would like to stay for a fixture or a concert at the weekend, we can accommodate most requests!


This provides parents with a 'helping-hand', giving them their own flexibility not only in being able to successfully manage their work or personal commitments without the stress of baby-sitters or cost of nannies, but also to control the growth of independence of their child.

The child can then maintain a level of consistency, security and familiarity with their academic and co-curricular schedule during the week.

It is also a way to break into the field of full boarding perhaps during the Sixth Form years and can be easily aligned with College events and fixtures. 

Click here for more information on Sixth Form or from the downloads below.

Download Ellesmere College Bus Routes

Download Sixth Form Prospectus

Download Academic Success 2022